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For Alumni

When your two-year commitment concludes, Teach For America continues to provide opportunities, events, resources, and leadership development. Find resources in our Alumni Hub, or view more information for alumni below.
alumni network featured image
On This Page

Update your personal details and contact information

Update your contact information to stay in touch with the Alumni network and make sure you're in the loop.

TFA alum Jubria Lewis takes notes during a meeting.

Get connected in your Alumni Dashboard

Connect with other alumni through the Alumni Directory, or update your information when you log in to your Alumni Dashboard.

A group of Teach For America alums walking through a park.

Our Network Of Leaders

TFA alumni are part of a diverse network of leaders from all career fields, working to create opportunity in a variety of ways around the world. Meet some of our alumni and read how their career trajectories have been shaped by their classroom experience.
Read Alumni Profiles

Forging Connections Between BIPOC Alumni

The Collective is Teach For America’s national association for alumni who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). We grow leadership capacity, strengthen community, and drive local and national change efforts – all in the interest of serving our students.

The Collective

The Peter Jennings Award

The Peter Jennings Award for Civic Leadership is presented annually to a Teach For America alumni (or team of alumni) who embodies our core values and whose work has led to significant progress toward educational equity and excellence in the last year.

Man In Front of Chalkboard With Arrows

TFA Stories: A Force For Change

Across professional sectors and geography, alumni fight for the aspirations of students and their families. Read more about the remarkable work of the TFA alumni network.

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