Teaching Jobs in Alabama

Searching for the right teaching position in Alabama for the school year?
Teach For America (TFA) could be a great option for you. That's true if you’ve taught for several years, you’re making a career change into education, or you’re just graduating from college. TFA is a unique opportunity to impact students’ lives and serve Birmingham, Selma, Greensboro, and beyond.
Teach For America’s Approach
TFA recruits outstanding leaders from all backgrounds and career sectors to become TFA “corps members.” Corps members commit to teaching for two years, where they are full, salaried employees of local public schools and confront both the challenges and joys of expanding opportunities for kids. Many corps members choose to continue teaching after their two-year TFA commitment ends.
Corps members develop into strong classroom leaders who go beyond traditional expectations to advance students’ academic and personal growth while helping to strengthen schools. They work in the districts and schools most impacted by educational inequity.
In partnership with local universities, other local nonprofit organizations, and businesses across Alabama, corps members receive initial training, ongoing professional development, and access to an unparalleled resource and support network.
TFA has more than 3,000 corps members, reaching nearly 250,000 students in over 1,500 schools.
You'll be placed in your preferred region so long as there's space and you meet the local requirements. Read more below about our placement process.
Corps Member Eligibility
To be considered for a position with TFA, you must have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and either have U.S. citizenship, national/legal resident status, or be a DACA recipient or EAD holder. You are not required to have a background in education.
In addition to these eligibility requirements, we seek people who have a deep belief in the potential of every child, a strong record of achievement, and perseverance in the face of challenges, among other key values and experiences. Read more about the characteristics of strong corps members.
Redefine Your Career
Applications to teach in Alabama will open in August 2025. In the meantime, take our quiz to discover your dream career.
Teaching in Alabama
As a corps member, you must complete steps to become highly qualified in the subject(s) you’ll teach and work toward full teaching certification during your two-year commitment. Learn more about earning your teaching license and getting hired at a school.
You’ll receive a salary and benefits from the school district, charter school, or pre-K center where you work.
You’ll be paid the same as other beginning teachers working for the same employer. Salaries typically range from $43,358 to $57,664, depending on the grade and subject level you teach.
As a full-time TFA teacher, you are entitled to medical benefits through your school or district. Plans and costs vary, depending on where you teach. Read more on salary, benefits, and cost of living in Alabama.
You may also be eligible for additional financial incentives exclusively available to TFA corps members. Learn more about financial aid, including transitional funding packages.
Master’s Degree Option
Many TFA teachers in Alabama work towards a master’s degree while in the classroom. If you teach elementary, you are required to pursue your master's degree, while it is optional for secondary teachers. Teachers have elected to take master's courses at various local universities.
Corps members typically use their AmeriCorps Education Award and partial tuition reimbursement benefits from their district to finance tuition. Learn more about Alabama’s certification and training.
After Two Years
After your two-year commitment with TFA, you may choose to stay in the classroom for additional years of teaching. Some TFA alumni go on to work in school leadership, and many others go on to impact educational equity from another sector.
We are dedicated to ensuring you have the resources and support you need to lead and continue to work toward change with a dedicated TFA Alabama alumni support staff. Learn more about life after the corps.
Our Placement Process
TFA places corps members in more than 40 regions throughout the U.S. During the application process, you can select up to three regions. Then, after interview week concludes, you'll have an opportunity to change your regional selections if you wish. Read more about our placement process.
Make an Impact in Alabama
After launching our partnership with Alabama in 2010, more than 200 TFA alumni now live and work in the state, following in the footsteps of the activists who came before them and working toward equity and civil rights for all people.
We partner with educators, community organizations, and civic leaders in both rural and urban parts of the state to improve educational outcomes for students. Birmingham is home to our largest group of corps members, but nearly one-third of Alabama corps members live in rural areas such as Selma, Perry County, and Hale County.
As a TFA teacher in Alabama, you will get small-town intimacy with easy access to a big city and the great outdoors. Learn more about what it means to work and teach in the Alabama community.